2006 Sterling Boom Truck for Sale
2006 STERLING LT9500
- Mercedes Benz MBE4000 engine
- Allison 4500 RDS automatic
- 177,461 miles / 11,607 hours
- New drive tires
- New alternator
- Newer black aluminum tool box
- Cormach WB-55 five story crane
Very strong truck. Front suspension and VCU were replaced in 2018. The truck is 19 years old, so the interior is not perfect, but the driver’s seat has been re-upholstered.
Drywall crane is seat-top operated. There is a radio remote unit attached, but it has never worked for us and we never replaced the remote or had the unit looked at.
This truck has been well maintained. Service records are available including ones from the previous owner. This will make anyone a great starter boom truck, or even a backup truck; I’m only parting with it because we just purchased a truck/moffett and it’s no longer needed.
Asking $57,000 – OBO
Contact: Jason Chumbley (419) 520-7724